Our Company
Our Company

Leading the Market in Targeted List Solutions
Founded in 1990, Market Mapping Plus Inc. was created to help businesses throughout the United States identify and reach their intended markets. With our experience in using direct mail, in-bound and out-bound telemarketing, broadcast, and corporate special events. Market Mapping Plus Inc. has positioned itself as a leader in list acquisition and targeted direct mail. Clients include the US Postal Service, Colleges, and Universities nationwide, Fortune 500 corporations, all the way down to small one- and two-person companies. No matter the type or size of your organization, we can help.
For over 32 years...
David Fant, founder of Market Mapping Plus Inc., has taught a class in marketing to the Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce: “So You Want to Start a Business.” He also has taught seminars for chapters of the American Marketing Association, and many local corporations. The firm has been quoted in Inc. magazine as well as the Focus on Business magazine published by the Small Business Association of Michigan. David Fant is a past member of the Small Business Association of Michigan Board of Directors.
- Three-time President of the West Michigan Chapter of the American Marketing Association
- Invited to train new Chapter officers for the American Marketing Association training program held each year
- Member of Direct Marketing Association for more than 30 years
- Chairperson of the Small Business Educational Programs Committe - Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce
- Guest speaker to numerous United States Postal Service seminars on direct mail lists and customer profiling using Postal Codes as the basis for effective targeting.

On Target
Founded in 1990, Market Mapping Plus Inc. has worked with countless clients to improve their marketing. We strive to help educate, inform, and develop the best mailing lists for our clients.