Waterfront Homeowners
Waterfront Homeowners

There is a lucrative and highly motivated market segment of people whose homes are on the water. Market Mapping Plus Inc. has created a method of identifying these homes with unparalleled accuracy, so you can minimize waste and maximize your advertising dollars.
Waterfront homeowners live on the water for one reason. They love the lifestyle of waterfront living. Boating, relaxing, entertaining, and family life are just a few of the thousands of reasons waterfront homes are a lucrative upscale market.
This list is perfect for businesses that sell boats of all types and sizes, docks, insurance, landscaping, outdoor entertaining, fishing, water-sports equipment, seawalls, lake maintenance services— to name just a few.
Our program can save you over 80% on your marketing cost by focusing on those people closest to the waterline. Lists by postal route or geographic area might still have names and addresses that are blocks inland. If your business relies on the waterfront, this list puts you there.
This database is created in using a process of identifying those ZIP+4’s that are closest to a given area’s waterline. It doesn’t matter if you are along an ocean, the Great Lakes, and inland lake, or river, if there is a road within 300 or 950 feet of the water, we can capture all of the homes on, and immediately adjacent.
By identifying these homeowners at the smallest level of geography possible, Market Mapping Plus Inc. has been able to lower your mailing costs significantly.

Using This List
Contact Market Mapping Plus Inc. for your custom quote, specific to your needs, by using the form below.
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Market Mapping Plus Inc.
If you have any other questions, would like to request a count, or would like to purchase a list, call or fill out the form above to reach Market Mapping Plus Inc.
On Target
If you're a business looking to capture the unique and lucrative Waterfront Homeowner market, you can’t afford not to take advantage of our patent-pending, pinpoint-accurate Waterfront Homeowners’ list.